Thursday, August 4, 2016

Aleah and Kenzie's Excellent Adventure

The girls had been waiting very impatiently all summer for THEIR turn to come to Nana and Papa's for a few nights - and since I was heading back from Ft. Collins, it was the perfect time to have them!

After leaving Ft. Collins Monday morning with Aleah, I met Jessi and Kenzie for lunch at Panera, right off the interstate.  We ate a quick lunch and then transferred Kenzie's suitcase into our car and we were off!!

Of course high on the list of things to do was holding the chickens!!  Kenzie has NO fear of the chickens but is not excited by the rooster since it chased her the first day!!

Aleah was a little more skeptical holding the chicken but soon relaxed and enjoyed it as much as Kenzie!

It cooled way down that first evening - the girls found plenty of things to do by themselves as I was busy getting Glenn packed and printing out boarding passes for him!  They loved just sitting on the back deck watching the hummingbirds!!

Where there are little girls playing, you can bet there will be dolls around!!

But we did take a trip down to the rock formations and they decided that would be THEIR base as the boys claimed the other set of rocks!!

It's amazing how their imagination takes hold when they're playing together!!  They sure enjoyed being outside and running around!!

Of course we were way late getting the girls to bed that first night - I knew they would giggle and talk for quite a while, especially after Papa told them a bedtime story!  But they were sound asleep when I checked on them before my bedtime - Sweet Dreams!


DrKeppy said...

Yay! I have been waiting to hear the girls' adventure blog! (you have been sooo busy with other ones!) You got some great pictures!!

Teri said...

So fun to see all that they do - how nice you get to have them!

Jill said...

What a fun first day!