Saturday, December 17, 2016

Tea At The Castle

I always enjoy going to the Glen Eyrie Castle in Co. Springs and having tea, especially at Christmas when the castle is decorated to the hilt!  Beth, Arlyne and I headed down Thursday afternoon to enjoy this special tea and it was fun to walk in that beautiful castle with the huge fireplaces going strong!  Don't we look festive in our red!

 Here is the food menu - the tea menu was on the other side - and they had fancy tea names so I don't remember them BUT the one tea had an almond taste to it and the other a strawberry taste - both were delicious!

 Our plate of goodies!

 And our plate of desserts!  It was all very well done and tasted delicious!

What a special way to celebrate Christmas with friends!


DrKeppy said...

Mmmm looks delicious! Tea and goodies and friends - sounds like a great combo!

Teri said...

Looks so good and so much fun!