Monday, May 13, 2024

April Photo Dump

 It's time to wrap up April and get into May!!

Glenn was invited to go out on our neighbors' boat just a couple of days before we left!  He had a great time and caught one last dorado!  Glenn invited the 2 guys that he fished with to come over for a fish dinner that night - even though the cupboards were getting bare as it was almost time to leave, we managed just fine to put a great meal together!

Betsy and Colleen - 2 of our favorite people down there that we just don't spend enough time with!  We all get along together so well and we ate at a favorite place that has changed hands but was still delicious - the drinks were amazing!!

Glenn and Joleen started this puzzle and Glenn finally finished it!  Karen and Nita had left it for us!

One last sunrise!

And the donkeys came to tell us goodbye too!  They were around a few times and are fun to watch!

One last picture of our perfect view!

And when we got home?  I noticed when I first walked into the office to open the blinds and saw a cute little duck sitting on Glenn's keyboard!  I figured Kenzie had put it there - but then I walked over to my desk and there was one there for me!!  Both sets of girls that had stayed here during Easter had written a thank you note and said NOT to throw away the box below because I would find a use for it!  And then after looking around, we both started noticing these little ducks all over the house!  YES - Jessi had purchased this box of 100 ducks and they all hid them around the house!!

At first Glenn and I were running around the house trying to find them - oh my gosh - they were everywhere!  And then it got a little more difficult!!  But we had to stop and go to the neighbors' for dinner that evening and I had to start unpacking!!  Over the next few days, I kept finding them and I'd smile every single time - love those little ducks!!  We have found 85 so far - we're not actively searching any more but the girls say I will eventually find them SOME DAY!!!  HA!!!  Some of them were SO hard to see as the little duck matched whatever it was sitting on or by!!  What a fun thing to do!!

And that's it for April - onto May!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Great wrap up! Glad you are having fun with the ducks...we sure did!