Saturday, December 21, 2024

Denver and Concerts

 Since Evan had a couple of band concerts, I decided to head up and go to them - after all, he's a senior and there's only SO many times I will get to hear him play!

I left early and got up there in time to head out for coffee with Jessi at our favorite place!

Then it was back to her place to have a quick bite to eat before we headed out again to see the movie "Wicked" - I didn't know much about the movie at that time but just knew it was good and LONG - yes to the tune of 2 hours and 40 minutes!!!  Add onto that 1/2 hour of previews (are you kidding me?????) and it sure made for a long movie - but it was great and I sure enjoyed all the singing in it!

Back at home, a quick picture of the kids - I had brought cake pops for the girls and some cracker mix for Evan (who absolutely LOVES the cracker mix I make each Christmas)

And then it was time to get dressed for the concert band performance!  Yes, Evan is tall - yes, I am short!

The concert was amazing - there are 3 levels of concert band and Evan is in the most advanced one - they played excellent - you would have thought it was a professional orchestra when they played "Sleigh Ride"!!!  SO GOOD!

The next morning the sunrise was beautiful!  Gary, Jessi and I took Kona for a walk before they all headed off to work!

I headed to Costco (a complete fiasco there!!) and a couple of other stores before I'd had enough - Denver traffic and people is just TOO much for me!!  But I got what I needed and that's all that counted!

Jessi had put a roast on to cook and it was excellent!!!  And Evan's girlfriend Reese came down to attend the concert also so Evan had a great group to support him during the Jazz Concert - again, excellent!  He had a solo and I'm always amazed at how well he plays!

This picture is from the FIRST concert as he wears a black shirt for the jazz concert but it's still a great picture of him and his saxaphone!

Reese had brought down gifts for everyone - even me!!  Sweet girl!

And after the jazz concert, we all went out for ice cream!

I headed back home early the next morning as we were to have company for dinner that night - which got cancelled because Glenn was sick - poor guy!


Jill said...

You got a lot done at the Keppy's! Glad you got to see Evan play!

Teri said...

What a fun time. I love hearing the grandkids perform!

DrKeppy said...

So glad you came down! It was so much fun!!