Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Babysitting At The Keppy's

Babysitting grand kids is always fun without "mom and dad" around!  And since Gary and Jessi were heading to CA. for a conference, the kids and I knew it would be a great time!

I headed to Denver on Thursday with plenty of time to stop at the house and get organized before it was time to head to the school to pick up both of them - it was fun seeing the school and waiting on the playground with Kenzie until Evan got out of school!  It was drizzly and cold out so no outside play time for any of us when we got home!

I taught the kids a new card game that first evening and we had fun playing that!

 It seemed strange to get the kids up and ready for school - sure brought back memories of doing the same thing with my kids!

I decided to clean Jessi's house for her so scrubbed away Friday morning and then Jaime picked me up for lunch!  It was fun to catch up with her and we went over there Friday evening so the kids could play!

Saturday morning we headed out to meet Jill and the kids at the WOW museum!

 I DETEST driving in Denver but had a great route as took E470 most of the way which is a toll road but not very busy!  The cousins were all excited to see each other and we arrived at opening time!

 Evan spent most of his time here, grinding and grinding!  He loved to see how much he could get in the bowl!

 There were a few new exhibits and this one was so cute - it was right beside the grocery store!

 Parker had to try to hoist himself up - and yes, he did get up a ways!

 We all had to try the bubble machine - Aleah tried and tried and finally got a bubble up around her but of course I missed it!

 Jill and I did a few things but mostly just hung out watching the kids and taking pictures - the place is small enough that they can mostly just go from activity to activity - we all brought a picnic lunch and enjoyed it outside!

 I did capture Evan with the bubble!

 One final picture at the train station!

We decided to get ice cream after the museum so we drove to DQ - the line was long and there was only one girl working most of the time till another showed up!  It wasn't the best of times during that but we survived!  Because we were at a different location, I didn't have directions to get back on the toll road but Jill explained where I should go - of course, I missed the turn off because it was called something different but eventually I got on it!!

A fun day but I was ready for some down time...............To Be Cont'd


Teri said...

How nice to get to babysit and have fun with the grandkids! I miss doing that!

DrKeppy said...

Best Nana EVER!! They had so much fun!! And my house looked AMAZING!