Monday, September 8, 2014


We enjoyed seeing Cheri, Patrick and Kyson while we stayed at Patty's house - Kyson is just a wonder when it comes to football - ask him any question and he sure seems to know the answer - I did like his prediction of the Broncos and the Seahawks being in the Super Bowl again!!

Patty, Leonard, Glenn and I all piled in the pickup and headed out to the farm - it's always fun to see how tall the corn is!!  We also went to the South Church and walked around the cemetery - it's such a beautiful spot out there and I never tire of seeing it!

Then it was out to the Loess Hills overlook!  I hadn't been out there in quite a while and Leonard made the journey interesting, telling us who lived where!!  The views from the outlook are amazing!

 Rain came again that afternoon and we really thought it might clear up for the band later than night but it didn't - the band was cancelled!  Patty and I just decided to stay home again and have peach fizzies!

 One last cup of coffee on Patty's beautiful front porch!

 It wasn't too hard to say goodbye as Patty and Teri are both flying to Colorado in a couple of weeks for our annual "Sisters" weekend!!  Glenn and I headed down to his mom's house on Monday!  Her yard needed a little bit of attention so Glenn decided to brave the humidity!  The grass was still pretty wet from all of the rain so we wrapped plastic bags around his good tennis shoes!!

 I waited a little bit too long to snap this picture but it sure was a beautiful sunset!

We visited with lots of relatives over the 2 days at Lolly's house and Tuesday night we went out with Geri and Carl to the casino to eat!  Dinner was great and it's always fun to catch up with them!  Later we went back to their house for cards - and if I'm remembering correctly, I actually won a game or two!!

4:15 came mighty early on Wed. morning but we had to hit the road early to catch our 6:40am flight!  Another great Iowa trip with lots of memories................

1 comment:

Teri said...

I always feel jealous when I read about your trips to Iowa - I do miss getting 'home' !