Tuesday, March 29, 2022

St Patrick's Day

 Not that we celebrate St. Patrick's Day or anything but it's a good title!  It was a lazy day around the house but we dressed up a little to go out for dinner that night!

Betts was next door at our neighbors' place and came out just as we were leaving!  She LOVES St. Patrick's Day and dresses in green for a couple of weeks before St. Patrick's Day!!  So she asked if she could sing us a little song and do a little dance for us which of course we said yes to!!  Betts used to be an elementary teacher and for years would go into every classroom and do her song and dance!  She is one fun lady!!

We finally made it over to Spa for our dinner!  It was a beautiful night and always so pretty when all the twinkly lights come on!

I decided to order their hamburger and famous potato salad (which comes with it) and then a potato to go for lunches the next 3 days!!  The hamburger and salads were HUGE!!  And yes, that's mango daiquiris in the background but unfortunately they weren't great!

Patty and I went into town the next day to shop and get a few groceries!  She got a sweatshirt for herself and a t-shirt for Leonard - I got a white cover up for the beach but it's pretty enough that I can wear it for a top also!  Stopping for ice cream is a must!

There was a full moon that night so Patty and I were outside trying to take pictures!  They never come out great but we still enjoying taking them - it was a gorgeous night!

Ahhhhhh  Life in Baja is great!

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Leonard and Patty Arrive

 It's always fun to have company when we're in Mexico - we were hoping that Jaime, Brad and Kylan could have came down but Jaime could just not get time off then.  So our only guests this year would be Patty and Leonard - they wanted to come for 2 weeks so found them a cute rental only a couple blocks away for their 2nd week here!

Their arrival was right on time and although it seemed there were LOTS of planes arriving at the same time, customs didn't take too long!  The restaurant we always eat at after an airport run was open so we stopped and ate there! They make great lemonade!  Always fresh squeezed limes!

Eric and Glenn went out fishing the next day I think?  Who knows?  I lose track - but here was the result and that poor trigger fish on top is upside down and looks ridiculous!!  

I believe Glenn is making sashimi out of the fresh fish - which is raw fish served with soy sauce or wasabi (hot stuff) and crackers!  Our house has begun to be the PLACE to be when Glenn comes in from fishing - if people aren't stopping to see what he's caught, then they're stopping to chat and have a beer or get fish!  It's a constant round of people stopping by as Glenn makes friends with them ALL!

Mango daiquiris for the gals!

And then it was Leonards' turn to fish - now Leonard doesn't really care about fishing much but he does enjoy going out with Glenn once or twice!  Glenn knows right where to take his people and Leonard caught this grouper!  You can tell from the picture that it was a weird weather day - the fog rolled in and by the time the guys got to shore, you could hardly see them!!

Don't you jut love the bulging eyeball?  That happens when the fish comes up from the bottom of the ocean too fast!

Beautiful days!  Beautiful sunrises!  And lots of beautiful ocean to stare it - life is great!

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Fishing and ATVing

 I was surprised when Glenn went out fishing one morning and came back within 1 1/2 hours - that's unheard of when the weather is nice!  But I soon found out the reason why!!  He caught a large yellowtail - between 35 and 40 pounds!!  And it about swamped the kayak when he finally got it in!

This fish deserved 2 pictures!!  He gave a lot of it away and saved some for a fish fry Sunday night!

We also took another ATV ride on Friday!  There were just 3 of us couples that went and the ride was higher up some steep roads!  Nice views!

I always enjoy seeing the cactus along the way!

That's the ocean in the background!

The way home was along the arroyo which was super windy!!  Glenn's eyes got full of sand and he definitely needs to wear goggles the next time we go!  We headed to the "round bar" which is not far from home so that was nice!  The round bar is super cool!

The views are awesome!

Here's the ceiling and the huge wheel from a ship!

I enjoyed my mango dacquiri before we headed home to clean up to go out with friends that night!

We finally got to try the new place with the good seafood - the garlic shrimp was fantastic and we will definitely go back!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Happy 37th Wedding Anniversary

 It's fun to celebrate our anniversary in Mexico!  We knew we were going on an ATV ride with 4 other couples that day and since we had eaten out the night before and were going out on Thursday night, I decided it would be fun to just go out for breakfast!  The Spa Hotel does a very nice breakfast so we just walked over there and ate!

(The internet here is NOT good at all!  So trying to download pictures for a blog is VERY time consuming!  And as you can see, this picture DOES NOT belong here - it belongs at the end but oh well!!)

Back to breakfast - a very colorful and yummy fruit plate is served first!  And I had fresh squeezed orange juice!

Glenn had an omelette which was OK but nothing special - but I had heard the french toast was great so that's what I got!!  WOW - VERY thick bread and it tasted like a cinnamon roll!  And the cut up miniature bananas were fun to eat1

And then we headed out on our ATV ride to the Oasis!  One of our first stops was at this bridge which  normally you would just drive under - but with all the rain they had last fall, lots of sand drifted in and there was no way the side by sides could fit under so they had to go up and over!

We on the other hand were the only ones on an ATV so we ducked and got under - I took this picture on the way back home so you could see how close it was to the top!

We stopped under this huge mango tree for lunch!

And then went a ways further and hiked into this oasis - there was a stream that some of us waded in and it was a beautiful place!

So the picture of Glenn and I on the rock was taken at the oasis!  And here are some of the people we rode with!

It was a great outing with friends!

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Fish Fry

 We've been dealing with wind, wind, and more wind!  It's just that time of the year I guess!  It is fun to watch the kiters and Glenn has found little projects to do along with talking to anybody and everybody that walks past the house!  I'm content to read and watch the ocean - but also stay plenty busy going to the spa pool with friends and visiting with friends that stop over!

We heard about this restaurant that served great seafood so went into town to go there but it was closed - so headed to Trini's as we knew they had shrimp too!  The pina colada was not great at all - but the shrimp was delicious!

Glenn met a nice couple from Wisconsin who were coming down to the beach everyday and he was quite interested in fishing - Glenn ended up taking him out and he caught a 25# yellowtail!!  Boy was he happy!!  Him and his girlfriend were staying in a rental house just up the road so we toured the house just in case we need another place to stay someday!

So we had a fish fry at our house with them and other friends - a great time and lots of stories told!  Hal is the oldest one around Spa and will turn 90 this summer - he LOVES to fish so is around every day for coffee and a visit!

One of my morning walks!

The 6 of us headed up to San Bartolo to have ice cream at Zopilotes one windy day!  They have unique flavors and it's all homemade!  I had 1 scoop of chunky monkey and 1 scoop of raspberry creme - yummy!!

It's wonderful to have such great friends!

Thursday, March 3, 2022

February Photo Dump

 I'm sad that February is already gone because that means time is flying by way too fast!!  But I welcome March because it's getting warmer (including the water) and am excited about Patty and Leonard visiting!

Just another gorgeous day in paradise!

Each beautiful sunrise is different!

My ride to the Spa - it's walking distance for me so I can easily walk home if I decide not to stay as long as some of the others!

Our neighbor John who owns the house next to ours always leaves around March 1st to head back to Canada where he has a fishing resort!  He empties his frig and freezer and gives us a LOT of stuff.  This year he gave us a beer chicken ALL READY to grill - he just didn't have time to grill it!  It had marinated for a couple of days and gosh was it good!!  Some of the best chicken we've ever eaten!  We also have several packages of fish from his resort so we'll do a fish fry with friends to serve up the salmon and halibut and rock fish!

Even though the waves are crashing, the wind died down and it was a beautiful day out!

We pass this tree when we take the ATV to town and I'm always intrigued by it so finally stopped and took a picture!  And that's a wrap for February!

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Just Another Baja Day!

 Life is good - sunny (and sometimes VERY windy days) and warm - and of course that beautiful ocean right in our line of sight each day!  

We've met so many nice people down here and continue to meet them!  It's never a problem being lonely here, that's for sure!

I feel like my blogs are beginning to look like my "end of the month posts" where I fit in all the pictures that really don't go with anything!  But that's OK - as long as I have these pictures to look back at in the future, then I'm doing what I should be doing!

Is Glenn actually raking the sand to make it "pretty"?  Not hardly - he padlocks the gate each night and somehow lost the key - perhaps it's in the sand!!  (NOPE!!)

I was totally shocked when Glenn brought me THESE beautiful roses for Valentine's Day!  We normally don't do anything for this occasion but he really stepped up this year!  The arrangement was gorgeous!

Our trees all got a haircut - the gardener chopped off all the dead palms and they look so much better!

Last year the "girls" went into the ocean a lot to exercise - wear a life belt and just move around - this year they're doing it at the spa and since my friend Jo can bring a friend, she picks me up and we go over together!  The pool isn't heated so is darn cold but at least we're moving around AND then get the benefit of sitting in the huge hot tub which is behind the bank of rocks!  A really nice place!

Glenn and fishing buddy Hal heading out early one morning!

And this was the sunrise!!  They just keep getting better and better!