Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Happy 37th Wedding Anniversary

 It's fun to celebrate our anniversary in Mexico!  We knew we were going on an ATV ride with 4 other couples that day and since we had eaten out the night before and were going out on Thursday night, I decided it would be fun to just go out for breakfast!  The Spa Hotel does a very nice breakfast so we just walked over there and ate!

(The internet here is NOT good at all!  So trying to download pictures for a blog is VERY time consuming!  And as you can see, this picture DOES NOT belong here - it belongs at the end but oh well!!)

Back to breakfast - a very colorful and yummy fruit plate is served first!  And I had fresh squeezed orange juice!

Glenn had an omelette which was OK but nothing special - but I had heard the french toast was great so that's what I got!!  WOW - VERY thick bread and it tasted like a cinnamon roll!  And the cut up miniature bananas were fun to eat1

And then we headed out on our ATV ride to the Oasis!  One of our first stops was at this bridge which  normally you would just drive under - but with all the rain they had last fall, lots of sand drifted in and there was no way the side by sides could fit under so they had to go up and over!

We on the other hand were the only ones on an ATV so we ducked and got under - I took this picture on the way back home so you could see how close it was to the top!

We stopped under this huge mango tree for lunch!

And then went a ways further and hiked into this oasis - there was a stream that some of us waded in and it was a beautiful place!

So the picture of Glenn and I on the rock was taken at the oasis!  And here are some of the people we rode with!

It was a great outing with friends!


Teri said...

What a great way to celebrate!

Jill said...

How fun your friends have ATV's as well! And yes, that bridge was low!

DrKeppy said...

What a fun day celebrating your anniversary!!