Thursday, March 3, 2022

February Photo Dump

 I'm sad that February is already gone because that means time is flying by way too fast!!  But I welcome March because it's getting warmer (including the water) and am excited about Patty and Leonard visiting!

Just another gorgeous day in paradise!

Each beautiful sunrise is different!

My ride to the Spa - it's walking distance for me so I can easily walk home if I decide not to stay as long as some of the others!

Our neighbor John who owns the house next to ours always leaves around March 1st to head back to Canada where he has a fishing resort!  He empties his frig and freezer and gives us a LOT of stuff.  This year he gave us a beer chicken ALL READY to grill - he just didn't have time to grill it!  It had marinated for a couple of days and gosh was it good!!  Some of the best chicken we've ever eaten!  We also have several packages of fish from his resort so we'll do a fish fry with friends to serve up the salmon and halibut and rock fish!

Even though the waves are crashing, the wind died down and it was a beautiful day out!

We pass this tree when we take the ATV to town and I'm always intrigued by it so finally stopped and took a picture!  And that's a wrap for February!


Teri said...

How wonderful and relaxing!

DrKeppy said...

Looks like paradise!!

Jill said...

Such great pictures!