Friday, July 5, 2024

June Photo Dump

 WOW did June go fast!  Seems like I JUST did the photo dump for May!

Rayna and her boyfriend Hezekiah came up one day for lunch and fun!

We had guests from Kansas!!  Becca and Kayden came out for a few days to Colorado and spent a night with us!  I DID forget to take a picture of both of them so she texted me this pic taken at Manitou Springs!

Glenn and Kayden took a ride in the razor - check out Kayden's hair - WOW - I had to touch it!

And we also had Tasha come for a night as she was heading to Mueller State Park for a night of camping but couldn't get a reservation for Saturday night so we were glad to have her stay!  She brought me these beautiful flowers!

And speaking of flowers - they finally got a new batch of hanging plants at the feed store in Florissant so Glenn and I went in early one morning to get a couple!  I absolutely LOVE this plant BUT if you don't water it every day, it droops!!  Kind of a pain to take care of but certainly worth the way it looks!

I love the view of my plants and porch!

Jaime had a dr appt in Denver one day so I rode with her and we stopped at Red Robin for yummy burgers and sweet potato fries!  Their strawberry lemonade is also fantastic!

One of my favorite soup recipes is Green Enchilada Chicken soup!  I had the ingredients on hand so decided to make a batch, even though it was warm out!  As I'm pouring it into the crockpot, I noticed the side of it said HOT!!!!  WHAT?????   Anybody that knows me well, knows I can't tolerate anything very spicy - in fact, sometimes the MILD is too spicy for me!!  But I went ahead and made it (with a note to myself to look more closely the next time I buy it!!) and added some extra broth and chicken and a baked potato in the frig just to try to kill some of the heat!  Trust me, it was still pretty darn HOT for me and I used plenty of sour cream when I ate it!

Iowa has flooding - and still does!  Neal and Jen had to evacuate the house and the water DID get up there!  This is a drone pic and that's their house front and center - the water is now receding and they are back in the house but dealing with a very wet basement!

And that's a wrap for June!

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