Wednesday, July 3, 2024

This Is MY Hometown!

 Memories - great memories of growing up in this tiny midwest town - with not a lot left in the town but the wonderful people who band together in times of need!

I love getting up early in the morning and walking around and around the main street - there's no traffic - occasionally a car or truck would go by but for the most part, silence!  Probably just how the town people like it!  There's no grocery store anymore - just a gas station that carries the necessities and makes some great pizza!

The Community Center is STILL used!  Probably not as much as it used to back in the day but they still hold fish frys there and school reunions, along with other things I'm sure!  My FAVORITE memory of this place is playing in the band "Mosby and the Raiders" for dances!  I'm not sure how many times we played at this place but it was a lot!  Great times - Fantastic memories!

I have no idea what this little place is that's tucked back off the main street and I always forget to ask Patty what it is - it just reminds me of Colorado so I took a picture because it's cute and makes me smile!

This wasn't here when I grew up - but what a beautiful addition to the town of Soldier and I enjoy reading the names of the men who served.

Main street - a bank, a bar/restaurant, and a small gift shop - but right around the corner is the tiny library that is really busy for a small town - Patty and I went there one afternoon as there was an author that came to speak on her books!  They have had several that have done that!

This is down the one side street that ONCE housed a lumber yard and a feed store (where I worked for a few years) AND the grocery store ( which is now a book warehouse) where I once did the books!  And further down is where the school stood!

And this is the view looking down to the highway - this is where the gas station is, along with the elevator and the old football field!  There used to be a restaurant at the bottom of this little hill where all the kids hung out back in the day!

And now back up to Patty's house where she has the most beautiful flowers growing around the side of her house!

The flowers are absolutely gorgeous and day to day we could see more blooms pop out in their hot, humid weather!  

I walked up by the church but didn't take a picture - the church is absolutely full of memories too - playing the organ for church, leading guitar services, youth group, funerals, marriages, special dinners, ladies aid, etc   And the list of memories goes on and on!

It's WONDERFUL to have grown up in a small town atmosphere and I wouldn't have traded that life for anything!

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