Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Camping Con'd

 It turned out to be a lovely day for atving!  We met NO ONE on the roads!  There were quite a few campers around but apparently they weren't riding the trails where we were!

Mid-afternoon we headed back to the camper where Glenn took a nap and I read!  He started a nice fire late afternoon and grilled dinner!  Glenn decided to take another evening ride - I opted to just stay home after bouncing around most of the day - HA!

We ATV'd that next morning until noon - with all the snow pack, there were several trails we had to turn around on and even in the lower places there was lots of water to go through!

We were on one trail right at the top and when we went to start down, we could see tall snowdrifts on the trail - Glenn knew that once he started down, there would be no way to back up with all the snow but we could also see tracks that someone had went through!  So he decided to hit it hard and go through the snow - omg - it was super deep, about 5 ft and I just knew we were going to get stuck but Glenn's an excellent driver and we made it through, only to find out that wasn't the only snow drift place - we had about 7 more to go!!  I really should have taken a picture before we started down but I was actually too traumatized!!!!  Gosh, I hope we don't have to go through that again!

We saw another cow moose - this time with a baby - so cute!

This area was beautiful with the swollen stream and a cool bridge!

Beautiful views all over!

And then it was back to eat lunch and pack up - a great first camping adventure of the summer!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Taylor Reservoir Camping

 Our first overnight camping trip of the season!  Always interesting to clean the toy hauler and repack it, check to make sure there are no water leaks from winter and remember where stuff goes!!  Most of the supplies stay in there but anything that freezes is brought back into the house - and we're still enjoying the fact to just load the razor in the back and take off!

Glenn was excited that Cottonwood Pass was open and we knew it wouldn't be super busy this early in the season!  But we were sure unprepared for ALL the snow on the pass - oh my gosh!!!!

We couldn't believe all the snow that was piled on each side - WOW!  They must have got a LOT of snow the time when we got 38'!   It will definitely be a while before all of this melts!

Glenn said he wanted to camp at Texas Creek - the nice thing about that is it's not very far on the dusty road before you take a right off of it - the bad thing is the Tx. Creek road was horribly bumpy!!  It was slow going!  We saw a great spot so finally found a place to park and unload the razor - we rode up the hill to the spot we liked and it was perfect!!  (and there was phone service too - always a plus!)  I took Glenn back to the truck and toy hauler and he brought it to the campsite as I drove the razor to it  We sure had a beautiful view!

After dinner, we went on an evening ride - we usually see moose at Tx. Creek and this year was no exception - there were 4 cow moose out here but I only got 2 in the picture!  It was a great ride - cold of course but that's what I love about the razor as it has a heater!

After a great breakfast, we headed out - it was pretty cold again but I had coffee in hand to keep me warm AND the heater!  The mountains surrounding this area were out of this world beautiful - snow, snow and more snow!

We soon discovered there was one huge logging operation going on - lots of large logging equipment and many piles of cut logs!

I never tire of taking pics like this!  Trees, mountains and water!!

This is my favorite "picture of the day" - might have to get it enlarged on a canvas!

And the day continues......

Sunday, June 9, 2024

May Photo Dump

 It's June - it's spring - it's green outside!  And this is the shortest photo dump I think I've ever had!!

Glenn put a new part on the razor and wanted to take it out one day to test it!  We just went to a local place about 20 minutes away and had a nice ride - and the razor worked great!  HOORAY!

When we were up in Ft Collins, Jill and I dropped Aleah off at her game and went for coffee at Ft. Lupton - they had the CUTEST little coffee gnomes ever!!!  I bought 2 - one for Jessi and one for me!  They're so darn cute that I've already called Jill and asked her if Aleah has any more games in that town, and if so to let me know - I'll send her back to the coffee place to get more!

The full moon over snowy Pikes Peak is always beautiful!

That's a wrap for May!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Memorial Day Weekend - Monday

 The Keppys were able to stay 3 nights this time which made it really nice!  Monday morning was a large breakfast and special coffee on the front porch!  Always fun!

Evan had stayed over at Kylans' house but came over mid-morning to work on the dirt bike and ride it around!

Gary, Jessi, Gwyn and I took a walk in the morning and Gwyn got to use her new hiking stick!  It's a little big for her right now but at the rate she's growing, it won't be long till she surpasses me and then it will be just perfect!

Papa made pancakes - Gwyn wanted one of her dog Kona.

Jessi and I took a ride around the circle in the razor!

Gwyn enjoyed her hot chocolate as we played a game!  Then Evan and I went into the Food Pantry and worked for 3 hours - it wasn't super busy on this Memorial Day!

Kylan and Evan worked on their fort over by the road for a LONG time, adding lots of dead trees and branches - it's really cute so we all walked over to see it - they had a great time together working on it!

We all collapsed Monday night after the weekend and the Keppys headed out early Tuesday morning for Denver - what a great weekend spent with family!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Memorial Day Weekend - Rita and Games

 Sunday was a sunny but cool day - definitely a sweatshirt day for the morning!  We all met in Divide and the 2 packed cars headed to see Rita the Troll, over by Victor!  It was a lovely drive over there and the parking lot was already almost full!

Because it's on a hill, it was quite windy so we were glad we had our jackets!  We all walked down to see her and take a few pictures!

Kona the dog enjoyed going with us!

We had packed a picnic lunch but there was really no place to eat in at the troll so we headed into Cripple Creek to eat at the park which was perfect!  The wind wasn't blowing there and we all enjoyed eating and relaxing!

Kylan and Irene

The Keppy Family

We were all excited to have Rayna join us for the day - since she's in Colorado Springs, we don't always get her to attend the family events!

Jaime and Brad

After lunch we headed back home.  Jessi and I got the corn hole boards all set up along with camp chairs and then had the computer randomly draw for partners!  And the tournament began!

And the winners!!!!  It was perfect that Papa and I were in the finals along with the 2 oldest grandkids, Rayna and Evan.  Evan and I tried our best but just couldn't beat Papa and Rayna!!  It was a great day!

Matias came over late afternoon so he joined us for dinner!  I made a double batch of Hash Brown Taco Bake with refried beans and fruit salad!   There wasn't much left after this gang ate!!  After eating cherry coffee cake and ice cream for dessert, the guys played some pool - the boys worked on their fort - and the rest of us collapsed!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Memorial Day Weekend - Birthday Celebrations

 Memorial Day Weekend has arrived!!  With Jaime off work and the Keppys heading down from Denver, we knew it would be a fun weekend although we wished the Savages could have been with us too!

Glenn celebrated his birthday on May 22nd by heading out by himself to Pueblo to fish!  He took supplies to just sleep on the boat and he enjoyed his time down there!

Kylan's birthday was Saturday the 25th - a perfect day to start off the weekend!  We all met over at Jaime's to celebrate Kylan with pizza and bars!

It's hard to believe this kid is already 17 years old!!!

Gwyn's birthday was on the 18th and since we weren't up that way during her birthday, she got to open her presents from us!  She was thrilled that Papa made her a walking stick!

And she was all smiles when she opened this lego set which featured puppies!  Once she got home, she had it put together in one day!

June gives us a break from birthdays but July is full of them!

And Memorial Day Weekend continues......