Friday, June 7, 2024

Memorial Day Weekend - Monday

 The Keppys were able to stay 3 nights this time which made it really nice!  Monday morning was a large breakfast and special coffee on the front porch!  Always fun!

Evan had stayed over at Kylans' house but came over mid-morning to work on the dirt bike and ride it around!

Gary, Jessi, Gwyn and I took a walk in the morning and Gwyn got to use her new hiking stick!  It's a little big for her right now but at the rate she's growing, it won't be long till she surpasses me and then it will be just perfect!

Papa made pancakes - Gwyn wanted one of her dog Kona.

Jessi and I took a ride around the circle in the razor!

Gwyn enjoyed her hot chocolate as we played a game!  Then Evan and I went into the Food Pantry and worked for 3 hours - it wasn't super busy on this Memorial Day!

Kylan and Evan worked on their fort over by the road for a LONG time, adding lots of dead trees and branches - it's really cute so we all walked over to see it - they had a great time together working on it!

We all collapsed Monday night after the weekend and the Keppys headed out early Tuesday morning for Denver - what a great weekend spent with family!


Teri said...

Finally caught up on all your travels. What fun times!!

Jill said...

Always something fun to do at your house! Love the new background!