Saturday, June 29, 2024

Aleahs' Softball Game

 Summer games - baseball and softball - are part of Jill and Robbys' summer!  Between practices each week and games, they're on the run most of the time!

Because we had a trip to Iowa planned and couldn't see Aleah play any other time, we decided to head up on a Friday and watch Parker play baseball Friday night and then watch Aleah play softball on Saturday before heading to Iowa early Sunday morning!

But Parker had a mission trip that week (which Jill volunteered to go on) and they wouldn't get back home till Friday afternoon and Parker decided he would just be too tired to play so opted out of his Friday night game!  So we just decided to wait until Saturday to head up to Aleahs' game which was in Denver.

And then they changed her game times till late afternoon and into the evening!  Oh well - you just have to smile and change YOUR plans a little bit!  We still headed up and knew we could stay and watch a couple of her games before we headed to Jills' house to get a decent nights' sleep!

Was it hot???  OH YES!!  But Jill and Robby have a huge shade tent which made it SO NICE!  Glenn opened his Fathers' Day gifts from the girls - a waterproof phone case for Mexico (on the boat) and this great book that he just loves!

And look who came?  Gary, Jessi, Gwyn and their dog Kona also came to the game so we had quite the crew cheering Aleah on!

Gwyn asked Papa if he wanted a manicure - of course!   I'm not sure what she actually did but Papa is getting his billfold out here to pay her!!  

It was great to watch Aleah play and she did a great job on outfield and 3rd base - even got a nice hit!

Aleah and Gwyn

It was a beautiful evening out and we headed to Jill's after Aleahs' 2nd game!  Parker was at the house so got to see him (he's getting taller!!) before we headed to bed for our early alarm!

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