Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Memorial Day Weekend - Birthday Celebrations

 Memorial Day Weekend has arrived!!  With Jaime off work and the Keppys heading down from Denver, we knew it would be a fun weekend although we wished the Savages could have been with us too!

Glenn celebrated his birthday on May 22nd by heading out by himself to Pueblo to fish!  He took supplies to just sleep on the boat and he enjoyed his time down there!

Kylan's birthday was Saturday the 25th - a perfect day to start off the weekend!  We all met over at Jaime's to celebrate Kylan with pizza and bars!

It's hard to believe this kid is already 17 years old!!!

Gwyn's birthday was on the 18th and since we weren't up that way during her birthday, she got to open her presents from us!  She was thrilled that Papa made her a walking stick!

And she was all smiles when she opened this lego set which featured puppies!  Once she got home, she had it put together in one day!

June gives us a break from birthdays but July is full of them!

And Memorial Day Weekend continues......

1 comment:

Jill said...

So much to celebrate!