Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Confessions of a Retiree

Retirement - I'm almost 2 1/2 months into it and I LOVE IT!  Have I woke up any day and had absolutely nothing to do?  NO - between finishing up the business, deep cleaning my house, camping, and a trip to Iowa, it's been pretty hectic! Not to mention all the planning of building a new home!   But I AM looking forward to that day when I do wake up and say to myself - there is NOTHING planned today - what should I do?

Before I retired, I would ask my retired friends what they did all day?  I just couldn't imagine!  They all advised me that they were busier than ever and the time just flew!  I NOW understand - even though I do spend some days at home, the days just fly and I find plenty to keep me busy!  I have spent a couple of afternoons on the couch with a book but certainly not enough!!

So far, here are the things I love about retirement!

1)  NOT having to set an alarm!!  Even though I usually wake up at the same time I've awoken for the last 40 years, I have the pleasure of rolling over and going back to sleep or getting up - my choice!!

2)  NOT rushing through my exercises, showering, eating breakfast and getting ready for work!!  It's so nice to do it all at a relaxed pace, knowing I don't have to be somewhere!

3)  Calling my friends and talking as long as I want to without worrying about a client walking in that I need to take care of.

4)  Doing my housework during the day instead of on weekends or in the evenings.

5)  Having coffee on the deck!

6)  Camping during the middle of the week instead of the busy weekends!

7)  Getting groceries and running errands whatever time of day I want to do them instead of early mornings or lunch hours.

8)  Walking into our old business, knowing I don't have to deal with employees any more!!!!!!!!

9)  Staying up a little later at night if I want to, knowing I don't have to get up early!

10)  ENJOYING my house - just being at home!

SO there you have it - several reasons why I'm loving retirement!!


Teri said...

Sounds wonderful! I still wonder what I will do if I ever get to retire but it sounds like you have found plenty!

Jill said...

You deserve every minute of it!