Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Camping Cont'd

 It turned out to be a lovely day for atving!  We met NO ONE on the roads!  There were quite a few campers around but apparently they weren't riding the trails where we were!

Mid-afternoon we headed back to the camper where Glenn took a nap and I read!  He started a nice fire late afternoon and grilled dinner!  Glenn decided to take another evening ride - I opted to just stay home after bouncing around most of the day - HA!

We ATV'd that next morning until noon - with all the snow pack, there were several trails we had to turn around on and even in the lower places there was lots of water to go through!

We were on one trail right at the top and when we went to start down, we could see tall snowdrifts on the trail - Glenn knew that once he started down, there would be no way to back up with all the snow but we could also see tracks that someone had went through!  So he decided to hit it hard and go through the snow - omg - it was super deep, about 5 ft and I just knew we were going to get stuck but Glenn's an excellent driver and we made it through, only to find out that wasn't the only snow drift place - we had about 7 more to go!!  I really should have taken a picture before we started down but I was actually too traumatized!!!!  Gosh, I hope we don't have to go through that again!

We saw another cow moose - this time with a baby - so cute!

This area was beautiful with the swollen stream and a cool bridge!

Beautiful views all over!

And then it was back to eat lunch and pack up - a great first camping adventure of the summer!


Teri said...

Looks like a great trip. So pretty!!

DrKeppy said...

Such beautiful pics! And yay for a baby moose!

Jill said...

Love all the water pictures!