Friday, January 17, 2025

Estes Park - Saturday Fun

 It felt great to have a good nights' sleep AND sleep in just a little bit - although the calm and quiet of the early morning is a VERY nice thing!  The kids all slept in and a few of them headed to the craft center after breakfast to work on their ceramic projects!

And then it was back up to the house to play the minute to win it games!!  These guys were all ready to play!

The "pick up marshmallows with red cups" game - we laughed a lot!

The candy cane game - probably everyone's favorite!!  It took a little bit of skill to drop the candy cane in the bottles but it was sure fun!

Stacking marshmallows with chopsticks - not as easy as it sounds!!

Scooping up bows while you're blindfolded - it was amazing how FEW you had on your plate when you were done!

But Robby did pretty darn good!!

Tossing marshmallows into the red cup!

At the very end, here were the winners!!  The Keppys ruled!!  And Robby was a winner too but just didn't get a scratch card!

Free time was next!!  Some of the boys went swimming - others crafted - I think maybe I just relaxed for a while after all the excitement!!  More to come on Saturday evening!

1 comment:

Jill said...

The games were sure fun!