Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mr. Peabody and Sherman

This year I decided to do things a little different for the kids' birthdays - it's really hard to think up something cute and unique - especially hard to think of something they don't already have!!  So for the 5 older ones, I decided to get them all the same thing:  a craft, money to be put towards books at the local book store OR to order books from the school (we used to call them tab books) and a coupon towards a movie and popcorn!!

And since I was heading back from Jill's on Sunday, I had checked the movies in Denver and thought it would be a great time to take Rayna and Evan to see Mr. Peabody and Sherman - when I talked to Jaime, she said Kylan really wanted to see it too so I included him for his EARLY birthday present!!

Rayna is looking like a teenager, even though she just turned 12 - they're all growing up way too fast!!

Anyway, the movie I chose was in 3-D which I thought would be really cool - so after getting a large popcorn to share and drinks, we headed in!!

The little ones got the kids' green glasses and Rayna and I got the black adult ones - it was great seeing this movie in 3-D and I even enjoyed it!!

Do they look engrossed in this movie or what?

All in all, a great time with the grand kids!!

1 comment:

Teri said...

We saw that movie when I was down in NC! But we did not see it in 3-d - what fun!