Monday, March 9, 2015

Friends ARE For FUN!!

I knew when my good friend Jane turned 70 that I wanted to take her to tea over in Cripple Creek since she had never been to it!!  And then when I found out Joleen was heading this way from Ks., I knew it was the perfect time to celebrate in Cripple Creek!!

I LOVE going to tea with the fancy little sandwiches - the scones with freshly whipped cream - the torts - and the lovely tea cups and saucers!!

This time we even had thinly sliced swiss cheese with large green olives stuffed with fresh garlic - delicious!!

And because it was a birthday, our hostess made a special chocolate cake and it was delicious!!  Part of it even had to come home with us because we were so full!!

A fun time with two special ladies I'm privileged to call friends!!

1 comment:

Teri said...

That cake looks fantastic - what a great way to celebrate!