Monday, June 1, 2015

A Visit From Teri

Now what are the chances of my sister from Michigan having a conference in Denver?  Apparently pretty darn good as she was here this last week for a work conference in downtown Denver and then stayed an extra couple of nights at our place!

I got up super early on Friday morning and headed to Denver with all the other commuters - grabbed my coffee at Carino's and then headed to Jessi's place to spend some time with Gwyn!  She was cute as can be of course and I even got to see Evan and Kenzie before they headed off to school!

 Jaime drove me to pick up Teri downtown at her hotel - good thing because traffic was awful!!  I was a basket case just riding, let along driving!!  YIKES - I don't know how people deal with all that traffic!  Teri was waiting for us outside her hotel and it was so good to see her!!  We headed back to Jaime's house and had lunch with them on the deck while watching the Thunderbirds practice for an air show the next day!!

 Before leaving Denver, we went back to Jessi's house so Teri could see baby Gwen - she gave her a beautiful blanket that she had knitted!

Then it was off to the mountains!!  I had bought a Groupon for wine tasting and a cheese platter at The Winery so we stopped there and had a great time!!  Good wine - great food!!

 We were stuffed after eating that plateful but still managed to eat a little bit of dinner that evening!

Saturday we hiked around the loop and had coffee on the deck!  Teri was glad to help me out on pictures for the listing on our house!  Between her camera and my camera, we took lots of pictures in different lighting at different times of day!  It actually took us MUCH longer than what we thought but it was so fun to work together on this project and by Saturday evening we had 18 pictures all ready to go!

Sunday morning it was another walk and coffee - the day was nice and warm!!

Then I decided I would have Teri help me fill out all the paperwork for the realtor and MLS listing - my was that a job!!  First the pictures wouldn't download because they all had to be resized - luckily Teri knew how to do that!  We finally got them all to go through and worked on the listing for quite a while - and got it sent in 10 minutes before I needed to take her back to Denver to the airport!!

What a great time we had and I'm sure thankful for all her help!!


Teri said...

It was so fun to help you on all of it. And I love the layout of your new house! Now I just have to plan another trip out to see it when it is finished. Thanks for your hospitality - I loved spending the weekend with you.

Patty Jensen said...

I am so jealous :) no that is so wonderful that you got to go out there Teri! And what a fun time! Now my question is about the baby - I thought she was to be called Gwyn not Gwen - which way is it??

DrKeppy said...

Glad you had a great time with Aunt Teri! It was so fun to get to see her too! And yes Aunt Patty it is Gwyn not Gwen :)