Thursday, June 11, 2015

I'm Cracking The Whip!

Now that our old house is on the market, Glenn and a helper are working full speed on the new house!  It seems like there is still a long ways to go but I guess every day that goes by that the old house doesn't sell, means the new one is that much further along!

The rough electric is DONE and inspection PASSED!!!  Wow - what a long journey that was!!  Septic inspection passed also.  Glenn is working with the well guy so soon a pump should be in.

Last week Glenn worked on finishing the chinking inside and then spraying the clear coat on the logs - they look gorgeous and I'm glad I chose the clear coat inside of an actual stain!!

 Now it's on to the outside!  Our helper Chris is doing the chinking and Glenn is doing the staining - using a sprayer so it goes on fast!  We chose Natural Oak for the stain color!

 Also they're getting the chimney ready for the rock!  I can't wait to see what it will look like when it's finished!

 This is the layout on how it will look when it's up!

So progress is being made!  I'm not sure we'll get any camping or ATVing in until fall but as long as this house gets done before the snow flies, I'll be one happy gal!

1 comment:

Teri said...

Logs look great and I love the rock layout - did you do it??