Sunday, May 21, 2017


Between the snow, cold temps and then MORE snow, it hasn't been a great May!!  But I truly believe spring has finally arrived!!

Both hummingbird feeders are out with at least 2 hummingbirds enjoying the nectar - and I know more will be around soon!!  New sand was bought for the sandbox (since Gwyn will be here this next weekend!!) and I washed up all the sand toys - I'm sure she'll enjoy it!!

 We bought a new umbrella at Lowe's the other day and I love how colorful it is!!

 And our front porch is all ready for visitors - Glenn has planted the planters with pretty flowers and it's usually nice and sunny in the mornings - come on over for coffee!!


Jill said...

I'll be right over! I'll take a hot chocolate with a cinnamon roll!

Teri said...

Looks so inviting! Wish I could come over for coffee:)