Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Jelly Making Day

It was WAY past time to make jelly this December!!  Just too many irons in the fire and Jaime always comes over to make it along with me - between our crazy schedule and hers, we FINALLY found a day to make it!!  Rayna and Matias wanted to learn how too so they headed over on a Friday morning and we all proceeded to make 4 batches of jelly!

Matias was up first to do the stirring - I told the kids we had to get one batch out of the way before we had coffee and cinnamon rolls!

And then it was Rayna's turn - the kids did all the stirring and measuring - Jaime and I did the filling of the jars and the rest! (somehow the kids didn't help with the clean-up   imagine that!!)

The kids were amazed at how much sugar you use in making jam - guess that's why it tastes so GOOD!!

The final results - 2 batches of strawberry and 2 batches of peach!  At the rate we're eating it (especially with the lefsa I made) we'll have to make more by spring!


Teri said...

Back to work so getting caught up with your blog - what a busy time. I didn't know you made jelly! We used to but haven't done it in years!

Jill said...

Hmm, how come I didn't get any jelly!