Thursday, September 2, 2021

August Photo Dump

 It's almost here!!  SEPTEMBER - MY FAVORITE MONTH!!  But before it arrives, let's finish up with the few photos from August!!

Pictures of Rayna and Matias are not as easy to get since they're in Co. Springs!!  But one evening Jaime's and I went down for pizza!!  It was great to see them!!

Check out this growth (which I assume is a flower) coming out of the plant that the girls gave me when I had my thyroid out - it looks like broccoli!!  But it's as cute as can be and it's the first time in 2 years that it has bloomed!

Also, I have 4 of these tiny little red flowers on the plant they gave me when I had the surgery on my nose!!  (Yes, the only plants I have were given to me!)  They are so cute!!

Best friend Joleen was out for a 4 day visit and brought me this darling fall towel and salt and pepper shakers!!

And Glenn has been working hard on the concrete!!  He's really got a lot done and in fact is pouring the rest today!  I can't wait till it's all finished!!

He still has to put color and the shiny stuff on top but the bulk of the work will be done!  I will post pictures when it's all finished!!!

And that's a wrap for August!


Teri said...

Hard to believe fall is here!

DrKeppy said...

Oh I love your photo dump this month! The plants look awesome!!

Jill said...

Love the plant pictures! Can't wait to see the concrete!