Sunday, March 13, 2022

Fish Fry

 We've been dealing with wind, wind, and more wind!  It's just that time of the year I guess!  It is fun to watch the kiters and Glenn has found little projects to do along with talking to anybody and everybody that walks past the house!  I'm content to read and watch the ocean - but also stay plenty busy going to the spa pool with friends and visiting with friends that stop over!

We heard about this restaurant that served great seafood so went into town to go there but it was closed - so headed to Trini's as we knew they had shrimp too!  The pina colada was not great at all - but the shrimp was delicious!

Glenn met a nice couple from Wisconsin who were coming down to the beach everyday and he was quite interested in fishing - Glenn ended up taking him out and he caught a 25# yellowtail!!  Boy was he happy!!  Him and his girlfriend were staying in a rental house just up the road so we toured the house just in case we need another place to stay someday!

So we had a fish fry at our house with them and other friends - a great time and lots of stories told!  Hal is the oldest one around Spa and will turn 90 this summer - he LOVES to fish so is around every day for coffee and a visit!

One of my morning walks!

The 6 of us headed up to San Bartolo to have ice cream at Zopilotes one windy day!  They have unique flavors and it's all homemade!  I had 1 scoop of chunky monkey and 1 scoop of raspberry creme - yummy!!

It's wonderful to have such great friends!


Teri said...

What fun times and that ice cream sounds delish!

Jill said...

Such fun adventures!

DrKeppy said...

It's so cool you have made so many good friends!