Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Kenzie's Birthday and Other Happenings

 How can it be December 19th already and I haven't even blogged in December yet!!!  It's always amazing how time gets away from me!

Granddaughter Kenzie turned 15 on Dec 2nd!  This beautiful girl proceeded to get her drivers' permit the following Monday - which basically means she CAN get her license as soon as she turns 16!  She passed drivers ed with flying colors and now will start practicing with mom and dad - right?????

Glenn has been wanting a one man fishing hut on a sled!!  And he found a used one from a guy over in Gunnison so they met a couple weeks ago and he bought it!  He's excited to try it out soon!

Not a good picture but this is what it looks like on the inside!  Perfect for one person and will be easy to pull on the ice!  The top portion folds down.

Jaime and Brad went to Mexico for 5 nights - first time EVER for a vacation with just the two of them!  They had a wonderful time!  We had Kylan and Irene over for dinner one night while they were gone!


Sherry said...

Did you paint the tree pictures? Love them.

Jill said...

Can't believe Kenzie can start driving!

DrKeppy said...

A good start to the month!