Sunday, December 3, 2023

November Photo Dump

 And the Christmas season has begun!!  It's nice to be all decorated, the majority of the gifts bought and the calendar full of events!!  But for now, here's the wrap up of November!

These beautiful November sunrises remind me of what we see in Baja!  Oh those colors!!

Mid-November it was time to take down the fall decorations and start on Christmas - this is what my house looks like when I start - and yes, it takes me a couple of days to get it all decorated and then another day to clean - HA!

We have a cat that has been showing up at our house - I'm sure he belongs to a neighbor!  But Glenn started feeding it milk every time it comes around - he SAYS he wants it around outside to catch mice but deep down, I KNOW he really DOES enjoy cats!!

Time to make pumpkin bread!  I ended up making 2 batches and could hardly believe that ALL 6 loaves came out of the cans perfectly!!  That doesn't happen very often!

My "travel' tree and fireplace decorations! (the decorations on the tree are from the places we have visited)

But I think I like this picture even better!!!

When Kohl's started their Black friday specials WAY ahead of time, I not only ordered my usual cozy sheets but a new electric blanket AND a new bedspread which we needed!   And I LOVE it!

Good-bye November - Hello December!!!


Teri said...

How pretty!

DrKeppy said...

Your house always looks SO pretty decorated for Christmas! :)

Jill said...

Your house looks great! You need some grand kids to help you decorate to lessen the time!

Sherry said...

Very pretty.