Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A Day With Gwyn

 After having coffee with Jessi, she headed to work and I went back to the house where Papa was playing games with Gwyn - we dressed for the outdoors and took Kona on a walk to the park!  We threw the balls and the frisbees for a long time until Kona wore herself out!!

After lunch we headed to Centennial Park - it was cool, yet sunny so made for a perfect day at the park!  Everything is in bloom in Denver so the trees were gorgeous!

Gwyn had fun running around doing the different activities while Glenn and I just watched!  We'd been to this park a couple of times at least when the grandkids were younger!

The 3 of us took a walk around the amphitheater and read all the signs and questions about Colorado - I didn't know all of the answers  - learn something new every day!

This girl knows how to model for a great picture!  And check out the pink outfit and shoes!!

We had a wonderful time at the park and then decided to get Dairy Queen - Glenn and Gwyn got blizzards and I got a hot fudge/caramel sundae - yum!

Gwyn desperately needed her room cleaned and the tops of her desk and dresser sorted out - so we started in and 1 1/2 hours later we were finished!  I vaccumed the room up and it looked 100% better!  And Gwyn was thrilled to have a super clean room once again!

It was a special day we spent with Gwyn!!


Jill said...

Gosh those trees are beautiful!

DrKeppy said...

You're the BEST! She loved her day with you guys!