Tuesday, May 14, 2024

On The Road Again

 Nope - just can't stay home!!  Especially when there's kids to see and grandkids to watch in their sports!

Jaime came over the next morning after we arrived home - it was so good to see her and we SO appreciated her checking our house weekly and getting our mail!  She brought my plants back over to me and they looked great!  We enjoyed coffee together and catching up!

The following Thursday we headed to Denver!  Jessi was waiting with open arms and was excited about the tortillas I had brought back for her, along with vanilla!  We walked over to the school to pick up Gwyn and she was all smiles!!  Soon we headed to Kenzie's track meet!  She was to run in 2 different events and we packed a lot of snacks, along with sandwiches for dinner - Gary had to work!

Unfortunately in the first relay, Kenzie was the last runner and as soon as the baton was handed to her, the girl in the next lane stepped into Kenzie's lane and Kenzie hit her and went flying!  Gosh, she landed hard but got right back up and finished the race.  Yes, she had bruises and scrapes from the track - poor girl - she was NOT happy!

But she ran excellent in the next relay and it was fun to watch her run!

Glenn and Gwyn headed back home after Kenzie ran - I stayed with Jessi as Kenzie needed to stay till the end - luckily the track meet was ahead of schedule because it got DARN cold before the end!

Did I forget to say that Kona had really grown????  I guess when you're gone for 3 months you really see the difference!

Evan had a track meet on Saturday but opted not to run since his relay had already qualified for state - we were disappointed not to see him run but have watched him before!

Games were played Friday night after a delicious crab linguine dinner!  Glenn and I were both surprised to see that Evan had really bulked up - that strength training paid off!

We always enjoy playing games with the Keppys!

Spiro was out and about and crawled right up Glenn's arm!!!

Friday morning Jessi and I went out for coffee BEFORE she went to work - always a great time catching up with everything and solving the worlds' problems - HA!

Gwyn actually had Friday off so she got to spend it with Nana and Papa - now that doesn't happen very often so she gets her own blog!!


Jill said...

Looks like a fun time with the Keppy's!

DrKeppy said...

We always have a good time with you guys! SO glad you got to make it!