Monday, August 12, 2024

Fun Times With Aleah and Kenzie

 What do the teenagers do when they come to stay?   We play games and cards!  Lots and lots of games and cards - and I LOVE every minute of it!  I've always enjoyed a good game of cards and each grandchild seems to have their favorites and their dislikes!  But the 2 girls are pretty good at picking out things that they both like!  Papa even joined us a couple of times to play teams on Skipbo - but of course the teens won!

We used to buy the cookie dough from Papa Murphy's - they don't carry it anymore so we make our own, made from the recipe I have always used back in the day!   And YES, we ate the entire bowl over the 3 days!!!

Breakfast!!  They must have gotten up early one day!

One morning we met Jaime over at Wild Horse - the girls had some kind of coconut smoothie I believe!  Anyway, a fun time!

We also stopped at Mike's so the girls could play with the puppy Zeb, just like Gwyn did!  The puppy LOVED running around with the girls!

Even though I have already picked up 5 bags of pine cones for winter use in the wood stove, I KNEW the girls would be disappointed if I didn't have them pick up a bag - HA!  I think it took them 45 minutes!  Takes me 15 minutes!!

And the traditional picture of having coffee (although it used to be hot chocolate) on the deck!  Can you tell it was chilly that morning?

The time went so fast with them there - we ate lots of good food and I so enjoyed it when one of them would yell - "Hey Nana, let's play cards!!"  It was a great time with the two of them but they did have to get home so met Jessi in Co. Springs at our coffee place and they headed home!


DrKeppy said...

Oh those girls! I am so glad you still do "girls weekend" with them! Love the pics!

Jill said...

Such a fun tradition for the girls and you! I know everyone loves it!