Wednesday, August 14, 2024

July Photo Dump

 July - a month of celebrating birthdays and Independence Day -lots of company - some hot weather for the mountains until the monsoons moved in - and lots of memories made!

So here's the July Photo Dump!

Al's wife Debra was out of town for a couple of weeks so we enjoyed having him over for dinner!

Mango applesauce - not only OUR favorite but the grandkids favorite too!  I can't find it anywhere except Walmart in Co. Springs!  So I stock up when I find it!

My all time favorite Farmers shirt is falling apart - I've had this shirt for probably 30 years or more and it's my "go to" shirt to wear around the house over a t-shirt if it's cold in the house (which 80% of the time it is!!)  I'm still wearing it - but it's pretty darn shabby looking!

Debra and Al joined us one evening to cook hamburgers over the fire and roast marshmallows later - and yes, we got rained on!

I forgot to post the picture of the moose at the zoo - he's looking a little old and tired but I STILL enjoy seeing him!

ANOTHER grandchild driving - Aleah got her learners' permit this month!  She's doing an awesome job of driving already!

And that's a wrap for July!

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