Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St Patricks Day

It's green day - my 2nd favorite color!!  The highlight of our day was receiving text pics of the grand kids, all decked out in green!!  They were cute as can be!!
Glenn and I ate out Friday evening at McGinty's, forgetting that we were getting close to St. Patricks Day, and the place serves Irish food!!!  It was ONE crazy place with packed tables inside and out (they have a new outdoor area with a fireplace and a nice bar/shelf area that Glenn put granite on) and several young kids that were doing a few river dance songs!!)  Since Glenn was coming from work and I had already went home, we just met there and the owner Tracy saw me and quickly herded me in the door as they just had a "two" table get up and she said we could have it!!
Friday night is fish night - they have the best fish around so that's what we ordered and it was delicious as usual - but it was SO LOUD inside that we basically had to shout to be heard!!  I usually order dessert but by the end of the meal, I was ready to get the heck out of the noise!!
The waitress brought our check, along with the largest pen I had ever seen!!!
Notice I put a table knife behind it so you could get an idea of the size!!


It's been one of those truly stressful weeks at work - our part timer chose to NOT show up this week and we had one sick employee - add to the fact that we are super swamped and running behind which added to the stress!!  Once again, ads were placed on Craigs List but Monday is so packed with appointments that Glenn can't even interview until Tuesday!!  I know, I know - it's a nice problem to have, being so busy - so I won't complain - we'll just work extra hard again this week (along with Saturday) and hope that there are no major problems during fabrications!!

I made an appointment on Monday afternoon with a new massage therapist - I'm anxious to try her out and hopefully she will be a lot like my last one!!  It's been a month since I've had a massage and with the hot tub still broken, I'm missing that relaxation!!  Glenn is actually working on the hot tub today but the new part he ordered doesn't seem to be the problem - hmmmmmmm - if anybody can figure out the problem, he can!!

Since Glenn had to work Saturday, I decided to ride in with him and scrapbook!!  It felt GREAT to be scrapping again and I sure accomplished a lot!!

1 comment:

Teri said...

Glad you are busy but too bad about the workers. Hope this week goes well!