Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Can it really be April with below zero temps, snow, and blizzard like wind blowing the snow sideways?  I know Colorado is always a little behind on the spring weather but this is absolutely ridiculous!  It's snowing and blowing so hard out right now that I can't even see across the street!

April is not my favorite month - never has been and never will be - it always seems that Feb and March come in with warm temps and then April hits and it's back to winter again.........sigh..........

Glenn is also sick - he rarely gets the upper respiratory stuff that I usually get once a year (but haven't got yet) but the sore throat/runny nose/tight chest/cough is really wearing on him!!  I think he believed that it would only last a couple of days and then be gone - and of course that just hasn't happened!  Both of the guys here at work have passed this stuff back and forth for the last couple of months and even taken days off as they're so sick - I spend my days running around with Clorox wipes and wipe everything down I can think of!!

And what's this?  No plans last weekend and no plans this weekend?  Is this really the Raymonds we're talking about? I hardly know how to act when there is nothing planned for the weekend!  Actually we must go to Buena Vista to do a set of templates - I checked over 2 weeks ago to try and get a room at Mt. Princeton so we could do the hot springs but it was all booked up - I did make a phone call over there yesterday and put our name on a waiting list but I don't have high hopes of getting a call back!

Move right along April - I'm ready for May!

1 comment:

Teri said...

Our April has not been much fun either but we finally have some sun! And even though they predicted only 40-50 degrees - now they are saying 70 tomorrow - I will believe it when I see it. Enjoy your quiet weekend!