Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Drama And A Musical

Time to head back to Florissant on Sunday morning!  I left early, knowing I had to get home and shower before meeting Jaime, Rayna and Jane in Divide - we were all heading to Annie Get Your Gun which was being presented in Cripple Creek!

Outside of Monument, I noticed the car was acting strange - it felt like I was on a "wavy" highway where it's harder to control the wheel!  But then it was fine - but happened again in Co. Springs.  All I could think of was that the car needed an alignment since Glenn had both back tires off to replace wheel bearings and brakes.

I pulled off the interstate at Fillmore and started up the long, steep hill and that's when I knew I had a flat tire - darn - no place to pull off so I slowed way down (luckily I was in the right lane) and saw up ahead there was a large driveway that I could pull into ( it was a gravel business and plenty of room).  Just as I started turning the wheel to get in there, the metal scraping started and I knew I was driving on the wheel and had ruined the tire................

I went about 15 to 20 feet on the wheel, hoping I wasn't ruining it but had to get off the road far enough so the tire could be changed.  I hopped out and looked - no tire - yes, I had been driving on the wheel but there is no tire there!!  I looked down towards the main road and there right on the corner is my tire - fully inflated and looking just fine!!!

I raced over there and got the tire and brought it up to the car, not realizing what had even happened at that point!!  Called Glenn and after sending him a picture of the wheel and the tire leaning by the car, he informed me I had NO LUG NUTS!!!!  No wonder the tire came off!!!  My guardian angels must have been with me that day as I could have been going 65 mph on the interstate when the tire came off - that wouldn't have been pretty!!

Decided to just call the towing service from my car insurance policy to come over and put the tire on for me - so called in a claim and they said it would be an hour.  And then the rescue company called to make sure they knew where I was at and I told them I needed lug nuts - they said they didn't have any - I told them to stop and buy some for me - no deal - they aren't allowed to do that - would have to tow me!!!  REALLY?????  It's Sunday - nothing is open!!!

I was ticked off by this point so told them to cancel the claim - called Glenn and he said he would be down asap.  And he made really good time and got me back on the road again!!  All we can figure out is that he forgot to tighten the lug nuts when he worked on the car!!

I made it home just in time to shower and throw some lunch in a bag and met everyone in Divide.  We headed to C. Crk along with a lot of other people as it was the motorcycle rally over there!!  They always have a huge flag put up and it's so neat to see it blowing in the wind.............

We all loved the musical - the cast did a fantastic job!!

Rayna took the above 2 black and white photos!  When we came out, they were taking the flag down with the help of the cranes!  After a loud and heavy rainfall on the way home, I was excited to be home!!  And totally exhausted by the days' events!


DrKeppy said...

I still can't believe the tire thing happened to you! OMG! And as awful as it must of been knowing it could've been SO much worse!! I was so surprised to see the artsy black and white pictures from you... then read that Rayna took them - ha! Glad Papa rescued you and that you still made it to the melodrama!

Teri said...

How scary! Glad it all turned out ok!!

Jill said...

So glad your ordeal wasn't worse than it was, how scary!