Thursday, January 18, 2018

Lake Tahoe

We woke up to sunshine on Friday and decided it was a good day to head over the mountain to Lake Tahoe - what a pretty drive it was!  Unfortunately it was cloudy on the other side but the clouds still made for a beautiful backdrop!

Is there snow there?   Not really!!  The west is just like Colorado - hardly any snow yet this year!

We walked around a park like area so I could take pictures of the beautiful views!

This is a photo of Emerald Bay - what a cute island!!  We were supposed to hike down a mile and see Vikingsholm which is a castle at the bottom by the lake - but about the time we drove to that area, it started raining so that didn't happen!!  We were excited about hiking DOWN but not excited about hiking back up so I guess the weather made the decision for us!

We decided we needed coffee in the town so parked the car and of course I spotted a place right away!!  The coffee was delicious and I think I have Jeanine convinced she needs to go out for "special coffee" more often!!

So this is the ski lift that comes right into the town - notice all that snow - NOT!!!  Don't u love my photo right by the garbage can?

After our scenic drive, Bob grilled up some great steaks that evening and we were back at the table playing cards!!  I wasn't going to post this crazy picture but it's such a great memory that I have to!!

What a fun night we had getting beat at cards again!!


Teri said...

Sounds like such a fun trip!!

Jill said...

Beautiful lake, I didn't picture it being so scenic there!