Friday, September 21, 2018

Fairplay Colors

It's fall - which means I'll be posting lots and lots of aspen pictures!!  Because the colors were so pretty over by Fairplay, I asked Rayna if she wanted to go over there with her camera and take pictures!   OF COURSE!!

So Sunday morning we headed out early to Fairplay as I had to be back for a 4-H Foundation picnic early afternoon!  Jaime joined us and we stopped at the little cafe in Fairplay for coffee - always a good spot but really busy!!

It was a gorgeous morning and we stopped several times by the side of the road to capture the aspens!

The views were breathtaking and Rayna had fun with her good camera!

An awesome morning spent with Jaime and Rayna!


Jill said...

Sounds like a great day trip!

Teri said...

So very very pretty! Can't wait for the colors here.