Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Sisters Trip - San Antonio

A year has already rolled by and it's time for our annual Sisters Trip!!  San Antonio was the destination this year - and with all the rain that Texas has been getting, we were all hoping the sun would shine when we arrived but unfortunately that didn't happen until Saturday!!

Patty actually flew into Denver first and I met her at the airport!  I had driven up the night before to spend the night at Jessi and Gary's house so I could miss the heavy traffic in the morning!  The ride to the parking shuttle place was fine but when I got there, I couldn't get a ticket to come out!  I finally pressed the intercom button for help and soon an employee came over and asked what the problem was.  Turned out the machine was broke - so had to back up and go through another lane!

I grabbed coffee after getting through security and soon found Patty - our trip to Texas was uneventful and we called a Lyft driver to take us to our house!  We were thrilled with the house - an extremely nice kitchen, living room and dining room along with 3 bedrooms and 3 baths!  This year I got to have the master bedroom with the attached bath!!

After unpacking, Patty and I decided to head out on foot to find a grocery store to get some cheese and crackers and a liquor store for wine!  Across the street from our house was a small convenience store which looked kind of shady and I figured there wouldn't be anything there we wanted so told Patty we would just look up other places to go!  We walked and walked - but the small neighborhood grocery didn't have what we wanted although we did buy some crackers there so we headed to the nearest liquor store!  It was actually located in a house!!!  But they had wine and that's all that mattered - what a chore carrying 3 bottles of wine over a mile back to our house!  We were exhausted!

We dropped off the wine and realized we still didn't have any cheese so ran over across the street - and guess what - they not only had some cheese but ALL of the types of wine we had just bought!  Boy did I feel bad after making us walk over 2 miles to get it!!  Oh well.................

Teri arrived later that night and after catching up for a little while, we all headed to bed and slept in!

We were excited to head to breakfast and then the River Walk - but we weren't excited about the cool weather and the rain!!  We dressed in layers and used our umbrellas to walk to breakfast and it was a great place!!  Want to guess what coffee is mine?  Yup - the one with the whip cream!!

After a wonderful breakfast, we headed to the River Walk - we could access it right from the breakfast place and it was about a miles down to the actual place where all the restaurants and shops are!

It was pretty dreary looking out so most of our pictures that day didn't come out very bright!  But we loved walking!

This stage is where Sandra Bullock performed in the movie "Miss Congeniality" - something we didn't know till we took the river boat cruise the next day!

Since it was just too wet to ride the boats, we headed to The Alamo and walked the gardens before heading inside.  I love this huge tree!

It was pretty crowded the day we were there and we were all excited to go in the building to watch the movie (which I had remembered from the last time I was here).  But that didn't happen - they must be renovating the building because they were showing the movie outside under a canopy with just a few benches there..................

We did some shopping and all bought our souvenirs - luckily we had a backpack with us to put most of it in!

Lunch was guacamole and chips along with margaritas!!  They were excellent!!

We decided just to stay on the River Walk because we were meeting my good friend Helen and her husband Joe at 5:00 at County Line BBQ.   Gosh it was great to see them and catch up!!

I know the meal was good but I hardly remember it as we were talking so much!!

Helen and Joe took us home after we were done visiting which was so nice because it had been pouring rain by this time!!  Helen had made us some delicious cookies that we sampled as soon as we got home and it was fun to just relax in the house for the rest of the evening!

To Be Cont'd.......................

1 comment:

Teri said...

Love your commentary - what fun to reminiscence about the trip!