Monday, October 15, 2018

This 'n That

A few loose ends to blog about before my next 2 trips!  San Antonio with the sisters is Wed. and then I'm home for 5 days before Glenn and I join Jill's family for Walt Disney World! 

Fall around here has been beautiful also!  I'm glad I went down by our rocks to take a few photos before the wind and snow came through!!  Glenn has set up benches now by our fire pit (that still needs more rocks) and we can't wait to use it!

This picture is taken at the bottom of our property looking up towards the rocks!

We went up to Denver again as my neck was giving me issues and I needed Jessi's services!!  Evan was playing basketball games that day so we got to watch him play!  Although they didn't win, they played great and it was fun to see how much Evan has improved!  Here's his team!

My friend Marilyn was here from N. Carolina to visit her son so I went down to see her - we drove through Garden of the Gods and had a great lunch together!  It was so good to spend some time with her!

Jaime and Brad's house is coming along good - I hadn't been over for a while and was so impressed by how much has been done!!  It will be awesome when it's finished!!

Looks pretty massive doesn't it?

As I was leaving that evening, I had to stop by the pond and take this photo!  I can capture the best photos there!!

Glenn just returned today from another elk hunting trip with his hunting partner Bob from NV - they had a great time and Bob even got an elk!!!!!!  He was pretty happy about that!!  But it was snowy (about a foot of snow) and really cold!  Glenn says the older he gets, the harder it is to stay warm - especially in a camper!  But they enjoyed their time together and that's what counts!


Teri said...

Love the house - leaves are beautiful - what a full life you lead!!

Jill said...

I can't wait to join you at your new fire pit!