Saturday, August 24, 2019

Serving The People

Although we were extremely busy the first 2 days in Kuskawas, we had no idea our 3rd day would be our busiest!  The rain fell - the heat and humidity were almost unbearable - sleep was hard to come by as it was so hot - but we all persevered and knew we were making a difference!

After our morning scripture by Pastor Vance and breakfast, we walked down the hill and this is what we saw!

The line of people that had walked through the night to see us was unbelievable!! We couldn't see the end of the line and knew it was going to be a very busy, long day!!

In the meantime, Rayna was asked to go out on the vet team so she was excited to do that!

The little kids that came through the clinic were adorable!

When I took a break to eat lunch, this bus was just coming through!  The streets were still very busy with people!  And the outside air felt a whole lot better than the hot air inside the clinic!

We were usually done between 5 and 6 each day - this last day we worked till after 8:00!!  Because we were seeing people from the outlying villages, we made sure to see every last one as many had stood in line all day!  What an exhausting but fulfilling day!

The greenery nearby was amazing - I loved this tree that was across from the tented church that our group set up!

Some of the local homes in the village.

Because of all the rain each day, there were always low lying clouds around the mountains!

We all enjoyed seeing the "locals" go about their daily life - we saw this scene daily and assume the boy got water in these cans to take home.  If you own a horse, you are considered rich!

The only sign I could find of Kuskawas!!

When the day was done, we weren't surprised to hear that we had served 1678 people!  WOW - no wonder we were tired!!


Jill said...

How amazing to be part of something like that!

Teri said...

Unbelievable! What a great service.