Friday, August 30, 2019

Taylor Park

After arriving home from the melodrama, it was time to pack up the camper as we were leaving the next morning for Taylor Park, over in the Gunnison area!

We were excited to take Cottonwood Pass which has been closed for 2 years while they re-did the road!!  By going over the pass, you can save about 2 1/2 hours vs going all the way around by Gunnison!  Glenn had checked to make sure it opened (it had) but he didn't research it enough!

As we drove into Buena Vista and got ready to turn on the road to the pass, there was a huge sign that said the pass was closed - WHAT????  We drove a little further and there's another sign that says closed so I whipped out my phone and found a phone number to call - that's when we discovered that the pass is ONLY open to single vehicles, not anything that is towed.  Well Darn!!!!!

So we had to find a place to turn around (always interesting when you're tripled up) and take the LONG WAY AROUND - to the tune of 5 hours!!  WOW!!  But it's always a nice drive and when we arrived at Taylor Park, we pulled off and unloaded the Razor to drive so we could find a private campsite.  We found a great place with awesome views and that's where we set up!  This was our view!

There was no cell phone service at all but we took a drive up the mountain that evening and not only got enough service to check our phones, but some awesome views!!

The next morning we headed out on a trail - an extremely difficult one with lots of trees to squeeze through and sharp turns - after we were done, I told Glenn we would NEVER to do that trail again - too stressful!!

Then we headed to another one that IF you can get up it, the views are amazing as it's up by Aspen - usually there is water coming down part of the trail which we knew in advance but we had NO idea the trail was as bad as it was - I guess over the years the dirt has just washed away and nothing is left but rocks !!  It was SO bumpy and miserable!  We finally got through that and it was onto the water trail but after a while we just gave up - too bumpy and rough for us oldsters!!  So another trail to cross off our list - guess we're getting too old!!

I loved seeing this mountain as the side of it looks like silhouettes of trees!!

Relaxing in the evenings - nice campfires!!

It was pretty darn cold in the morning - but we didn't have to leave early on the razor!  We headed out to a nice, level trail (my kind!!) and look what we found!!!  I was SO excited to see that moose!!

On the way back, the moose was still hanging around and was even closer!!

There's lots of gorgeous country over there!

This is Lily Pond - completely covered in lily pads!!  Pretty cool looking!

The last morning we woke up to THIS - yes, that's frost - it covered the ground and the razor - are we really that close to fall?  Apparently in the Gunnison area we are!!


Teri said...

What a beautiful place!! Love the pics!

DrKeppy said...

Gorgeous views - wow! And so cool you got to see a moose!

Jill said...

So beautiful! That mountain with the silhouette looking trees is gorgeous!