Monday, August 26, 2019

The Long Journey Home

After our extremely busy day, it was time to count the remaining drugs and pack it all back up - quite the chore but we all pitched in!!

Outside, some of our crew and the local kids played soccer - neat to see them playing with language not being a barrier!

We packed up our tents and suitcases the next morning and waited for all the buses to be loaded with all of the supplies - we were 3 school buses and 2 semi trucks!

Unfortunately I woke up not feeling good at all - cramps and severe diarrhea  hit me hard and I knew the 9 hour bus ride back to Managua would be a challenge!!!

Remember how I said it rained every day?  Well the dirt road wasn't in good shape at all and this first hill was the worst!!  Our driver tried several times but just couldn't get up it!

And unfortunately, this is what happened!

A second bus got stuck also so we all unloaded and it took about 1 1/2 hours to get the semi around and hooked up to pull both buses out!!

It was a relief to get back to the mission house after the long bus ride - there was a wonderful meal waiting for us but I hardly ate anything as just didn't feel good!!

Friday was "fun day" in Managua and this year the people chose to go on a boat ride on Lake Managua, have a wonderful meal at a nice restaurant and then go shopping!  I and 4 others chose to stay back at the Mission House - with 3 of us not feeling well!!

So I had a relaxing day and read a lot in this beautiful room!

That evening was our special dinner and program where a lot of the people talk about what the journey to Kuskawas meant to them.  We also got our final figures from our 3 days at the clinic:  3596 people were seen, 15,597 prescriptions were filled (no wonder my feet were sore!!), 284 people were seen in the dental clinic with 522 teeth pulled, 742 eyeglasses handed out and over 600 immunizations were given from the vet team!  Such outstanding numbers - and the final one is the evangelism team brought 449 people to accept Jesus Christ!

One final picture of our crew before we head to the airport!

We flew back into Miami and it felt great to once again be on American soil!!

A bunch of us ate one last meal together as a lot of them were splitting off to head to their own airports!

And a final goodbye to Pastor Vance, his lovely wife Charlene whom I was so glad to see this year, and their grand daughter - such a wonderful family!!

And soon we were in the air to Denver!!  A long journey day and we were all glad to be home!  What an adventure!


Jill said...

Wow, those numbers are amazing! What an awesome trip, I sure wish you had felt better those last 2 days.

Teri said...

Too bad you got the sickness - no fun at all. But what an experience!