Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A Short Weekend With The Keppys

We always enjoy having the kids down and although it was short since Jessi had to work Sat. morning, we had a great time!

The kids needed to let off some steam so we played outside for a while - in the wind of course - that darn wind was still sticking around!  But the leaves out are pretty and it was a nice fall day!

That evening Brad and Kylan came over for the evening and Jaime came after work so they could all get adjustments from Jessi - we all LOVE having her for the family chiropractor.

Sunday morning we decided to go to Mueller for a hike!  Since Evan had spent the night with Kylan, Gary went over to pick up both boys while Jessi and I had a quick coffee session!!  And then it was off to Mueller!!

Gary had brought Autumn, (Kylan's dog) to hike with us since Brad had told him you could have dogs in the park - WRONG!!!  After getting in there and all out of the car to hike, the sign said NO DOGS ALLOWED on any of the trails!!!  Darn!!  So Gary and Kylan took the dog back to Brad's while the rest of us enjoyed the Visitor Center!

We finally got on our hike - it was supposed to be around 1 1/2 miles but with the couple of turns we took, I think it ended up being around 2 miles.  The older kids of course had to climb the big rock!

Gwyn was upset she couldn't climb the big one so we told her to climb the small one!

It was a fun hike but the last part was just too much for Gwyn - she had walked ENOUGH and kept crying she was NOT going to walk any more!!  I think her screams and whines could be heard throughout the park - ha ha!!!  Poor thing - she actually did a great job of walking that far for a 4 year old!!

Everybody did their own thing in the afternoon!!  Jessi and I spent quite a while planning out Thanksgiving and our Christmas at Estes Park - some of the boys went practice shooting - some watched football - Rayna and Matias came over so the Keppys could meet him - and after an early dinner, they headed back home to Denver! 


Teri said...

Looks like a great trail!

Jill said...

That's a great pic of the Keppy's!