Thursday, October 10, 2019

Summers This 'n That

Since the snow is flying as I'm writing this, I better get the last summer blog posted - it's been on my mind for weeks but somehow I just didn't get the pictures taken - since I knew it was going to snow today, I made it a point to take these pics yesterday!!

First up is Glenn's green house!!  He built this on the back side of the shop this last spring - yes it took many, many hours to get it done and he's already replaced the plastic once!!  But he spends hours and hours and hours in there so if it keeps him out of my hair, then so be it!!

He also purchased a used aquaponics system during the summer and has a complete setup for growing some of his vegetables that way!!  Of course you need fish to do this so he fished at Dick's pond (where we take the boys to fish) and caught I believe about 45 fish to use in the system!  It's all pretty neat and of course all the grand kids love feeding the fish!!

Glenn grows amazing lettuce!!  We had some early in the summer but then he really got into it late summer!!  He bought a variety pack and he has so much of it that he has been selling it to the local "farm to table" restaurant and also to Mountain Naturals in town.

Also this last spring, he completely fenced (high to keep the deer out) the outside garden and then built raised beds for his lettuce, onions, carrots, and squash!  He's given a lot of it away to the neighbors and his carrots are SO GOOD!!!!  Because I just took this picture, most of the outside garden is picked and done!!  At least next spring most of the heavy work is already done and he can really enjoy the planting and harvesting without all the building involved!

For my birthday, Glenn made me a walking stick, per my request!!  One day when we were out ATVing he picked up several pieces of wood and had me choose my favorite!  Then he sanded it and finished it out - I LOVE it and it makes me feel more secure when I walk!

Yes, this is a picture from our deck of Pikes Peak - but what you WON'T notice is that Glenn cut the huge tree down that was blocking 1/2 of the peak!!  Now there's a clear shot and I love looking out at it!


Jill said...

I never knew he was such a gardener! Beautiful pic of Pikes Peak.

Teri said...

I have to get out there to see your place and all the cool things Glenn has built. Looks like a wonderland!