Tuesday, October 22, 2019

FINALLY - Celebrating Birthdays

Since it was fall break for Aleah and Parker, Jill and I had made plans to go to the North Pole since we had planned it during the summer and Parker was sick!  The Savages came down late Wed. night and even Glenn stayed up to see them - he was heading out early the next morning for elk hunting!

Unfortunately Aleah wasn't feeling the best the next day and was running a slight fever but Jill gave her some tylenol and we decided to go ahead and head to Cascade!  Little did we know it was fall break for a lot of schools and the place was actually busy!!  But the kids still didn't have to stand in line very long to ride the rides!!

Stopping in to see Santa is always fun!!  And I believe Aleah asked for a phone for Christmas!!!!

Our mandatory polar bear picture!!

And the ice pole - it's STILL icy!!

Parker and Aleah rode ride after ride while Jill and I chose to watch them most of the time!  Jill did venture on a few rides though!  We enjoyed a picnic lunch and also went to the magic show which is always fun!!  The weather was perfect!!  Just cool enough to wear long sleeves but no jacket!

We stopped for smoothies on the way home and were all tired by the time we made it back!!  Parker helped me do the "outside" chores while Glenn is gone!

Friday was a great day for playing games and cards with the kids!!  Jill and I had a few things we needed to do together and somehow the day just flew by!!  We all headed into the football game that night and yes, IT WAS COLD again!!!

It was a fun game to watch with Matias making the first touchdown and later doing an awesome tackle on a guy!!  Woodland Park won 42 to 0!!!!!  It's sure more exciting when they win!!

Jill and Robby headed back home after the game - another great time with the Savages'!!!


Teri said...

Glad you finally made it to the North Pole!

Jill said...

Another, fun, busy weekend at Nana's! Thanks!