Monday, November 18, 2019

The Archway Museum

By Sunday evening we had seen almost everyone we wanted to see so made the decision to leave on Monday and spend a night on the road so we didn't have to drive it all in one day - after all, isn't that what retirement is all about?  Taking a little more time........

I had always wanted to do The Archway museum that goes over the interstate in Kearney, NE!  Jaime and her crew had stopped this summer and she said it was really good!  So it was onward to Kearney!

We actually stopped in Onawa (a little ways out of the way) as Patty had told us they had a new coffee place and we were both thirsty for some special coffee!  It's a really cute place and the coffee was excellent!  I guess we didn't look like locals as the first thing the barista said to us was "Where are you two from"?

The drive was nice out to Kearney and we stopped at the museum!

With tickets bought and headphones on, we started the journey west with the pioneers!

The museum was excellent!  It was a "go at your own pace" with a remote to tap on the black buttons whenever you wanted to hear the story - very interesting!

And the journey continued on into the early 1900's and forward!  Naturally I'm standing in the 50's section!!

When the tour is complete, you can look out at the interstate below and watch the radar situated right in front of you to see how fast the trucks and cars are going!  Pretty neat!!

And another look at the escalator taking you up to the start!

I highly recommend the museum if you're passing through!

We drove on to Ogallala for the night and checked into the motel - we were too lazy to go out to eat so ordered in pizza - the perfect thing to do!

And then there was the fog we had to drive in the next morning for almost 3 hours before we saw the sun!!  Let's see - snow and rain and ice and fog for our drive - I think we need to nix the late fall trips and go back to summer!!

Thanks again Patty and Leonard for letting us stay for the week!


Teri said...

Looks like a cool place. Glad you could take your time driving home.

Jill said...

It's been on my list to see that museum!