Tuesday, November 26, 2019

November Wrap Up

Has it really been 10 days since I've blogged?  It has......sigh.....

October and November is really crunch time for me as I prepare for Christmas early!!  I not only make the picture calendars through Snapfish for the families, but also make an individual book for each grand child of their time spent here during the summer or just pictures of them throughout the year!  It's time consuming - extremely time consuming - and since I'm a perfectionist, it takes even longer!!

And the books and calendars have to be ordered early enough to get here in time as we celebrate Christmas with the family early!!  And this year it's even earlier than usual because of the kids' schedules so we're celebrating the weekend after Thanksgiving weekend!!  AHHHHH!!  So I've been busy!

I decorated super early this year as I don't have to host Thanksgiving - Jaime's new house has the honors this year!!  I took my time decorating with the Christmas music blaring and loved each and every  minute of it!!  I am SO enjoying the decorations!

The presents are all bought and wrapped and ready to take to Estes Park so my list is slowly dwindling!  That's a good thing! 

So I guess I have had an excuse not to blog - and there hasn't been a lot to write about either since I've been finishing up all these projects!!

But Jaime and I took a Sunday afternoon and went to Co Springs - did a little bit of shopping and then headed over to the Mona Lisa for fondue!!  Another fantastic groupon for 2 glasses of wine and a pot of cheese!!  And because it was happy hour with reduced prices, we opted to order the dark chocolate dessert fondue - it was excellent!!

Kylan had his first band concert!!  He plays the trumpet and I was totally shocked at how good this 6th grade band sounded for only have practiced a couple of months!!  He looked pretty darn cute sitting in the band!

This last weekend Glenn wanted to fish with his boat one more time so we headed to Denver for the weekend!  Evan was having a basketball tournament so we got to watch him play in 3 games!!  He has really improved from last year and with his height, he does great!!

They took 2nd place in the tournament - way to go Evan!!

Jessi and I actually got to go out for coffee TWICE - surely that's a record!!  We did a little bit of shopping too and it was an awesome weekend!!


Jill said...

Always something fun going on with Nana and Papa!

Teri said...

I can't believe all you squeeze in!