Friday, November 8, 2019


When the kids and Jaime came over one evening for dinner (when Glenn was gone), Rayna happened to look out the window and saw a red fox!  Sure enough - that's what it was and it seemed pretty friendly!

The kids ran out and of course wanted to feed it - so I gave them some chunks of bread and also some lunch meat!  Apparently the fox was pretty hungry as it ate all of it and continued to hang around!  He was a cute thing!!

By this time, it was starting to get dark and I needed to go out to the greenhouse and cover things - Rayna went with me but the fox decided he wanted to follow us - that was NOT happening!!  So we called Matias out and he started throwing a few rocks just to get the fox to head down the driveway!  And we haven't seen the fox since - guess he was on a journey somewhere and just needed a bite to eat!

After our snow, the deer came around and they're so fun to watch in the snow!

We have a herd of 7 who seem to walk by the house a couple times a day!  Unfortunately the buck with the large antlers has not been around this season at all - I'm sure someone shot him for his antlers and that makes all of us in the neighborhood sad!!  He truly was a unique specimen!!


Jill said...

The wildlife around your house is amazing!

Teri said...

love seeing the wildlife - what fun!

DrKeppy said...

How cool to see a fox up close!