Friday, September 25, 2020

A Relaxing Weekend

 I was so surprised when Jessi wanted to know the last time they had been to our house so I looked back in my blogs and it was JUNE!!!  OH MY GOSH!!  The kids had been here after LVR camp but not Jessi - so it was definitely time for her and the kids to come down for the weekend!!  Gary has switched schedules so was working the weekend!

Of course they hit bad traffic coming from Denver but that's to be expected on a Friday!  I had dinner all ready (I love it when they request a certain item to eat - makes my job a whole lot easier!!) when they pulled in!!

Coffee on the deck in the morning was on the agenda!!  But first Kenzie made some cherry crossiants!

Gwyn almost always has a smile at our place - she's so excited to see us and just hang out - makes me just smile to look at her!!  She's one happy kid!

Kenzie decided she wanted "special coffee" that morning - usually we say no but her mom said OK so I ended up making 3 coffees!!  She was thrilled!  Yes, that's me in the background playing barista!

Glenn and Evan had a full day planned - first they went to an estate sale - then on to the neighbors for a while - and then off to do some ATVing in the razor!!  They had a fun day together but of course neither one took their phone so I don't have any pictures!!  But Jessi did snap this one - am I getting shorter or is he getting taller?

We played a LOT of cards over the weekend!!  Gwyn is usually happy to do something else while the 3 of us play, and sometimes Evan joins in!!  I had researched a couple of new card games online which we did try out!  Both were fun and will be added to our list!!

Jessi got some special time to read which she enjoyed!  And the girls played on the swing a lot!  It was beautiful weather out and we couldn't have asked for a better weekend, weather wise!

Jessi and I both commented on the fact that when all of the kids were little, we never had any spare time to do any reading or personal time!  Now it seems we have all the time in the world!  Both Jessi and Jill are just content to "hang out" when they come, sneak in some reading when it's quiet and just enjoy being at our house!  It's a nice relaxing time and I'm always sad when they leave to go home!


Jill said...

Glad it was a great weekend!

Teri said...

How nice to get together. I am counting the days till Christmas - no fall trip this year for me to see the kids :(