Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Labor Day Weekend With The Savages

 How fun to have company over the long weekend since we never go anywhere on holiday weekends!  The traffic started on Thursday as that's the day I went to town to get groceries and run errands - I couldn't get home fast enough!

Jill's decided to come in late Friday night after the bad traffic and made it in about 11:00 that night!  I had the beds all ready so we talked a little bit and hit the sack for the night!!

Papa always makes fun pancakes for the kids - Aleah wanted the United States - well, he attempted at least!

I'm not sure what Parker wanted but I think he got a rocket!  And yes, Parker is half asleep!

Aleah helped me make cherry turnovers for our morning snack!

We all went into Bev's for a great lunch on her deck while Robby stayed later to put up some garage lights.  Cards were on the agenda for the afternoon before happy hour on the deck!

The deer came by and Aleah made it out there to feed them!

Parker had fun driving the skidster!!  Robby also brought his drone and Parker's large remote car for outside so they had fun with all of that!

Jill and I were content to do a little bit of reading in between card games and fixing meals!  Sunday morning coffee on the deck - it was downright HOT out there!

We played some corn hole on Sunday (luckily there were clouds so it wasn't so hot then) and ate an early dinner so they could head out by 6:00!  Unfortunately they hit some horrible traffic due to an accident but eventually got home to Ft. Collins!!  It was a great weekend!


Jill said...

We always have fun at your house! Thanks for a fun weekend!

Teri said...

Great time to be together!